Account Management System
Our website is protected by an account management system which provides access to restricted pages. By logging in to your account you will be able to:
- Download licensed software
- Access articles in our Knowledge Database
All account management functions are accessed by clicking the <person> icon in the menu.

Creating an Account
Registration of new accounts is an open process and accessed by the Register tab when pressing the <person> icon.
The only requirement is that the email domain is approved by us. If you receive the following error please contact us and we will whitelist the domain if applicable.
Once the registration has been accepted you’ll get the following message in the browser and a confirmation mail to your inbox with an activation link which must be clicked before any login attempts are accepted.
Note that the activation link is not limited by any expiration date. However, if you’ve lost the email you may request a new activation by pressing Resend the activation-key on the Register tab.
Recover an Account
To recover your account, e.g. you have forgotten the password, go to the Recover tab after pressing the <person> icon.
Once you’ve provided an email address to an activated account (you may not recover yet inactive accounts) you’ll receive the following message.
The mail in you’re inbox will contain a link – when pressed it will route you to the following form:
A confirmation mail will be sent to your inbox confirming the recovery process and changed password.
Log in to an Account
Signing on to your account is done by the Log In tab when pressing the <person> icon.
You will only need to login once for every session, i.e. every time you visit the site after opening a new browser.
Changing your Password
Pressing the <person> icon while already being signed in will give you access to the Change Password tab.
Change your log in information by providing a new password (at least 8 characters) and press the Change Password button.
An email will be sent to the address connected to the account confirming the change. Note that this process has a direct action and if the password change was undesired – or performed by somebody else – an account recovery must be made.